The Religious Education Association
An Association of Professors, Practitioners, and Researchers in Religious Education

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A Message from
Lorna Bowman, President

A special thank you to everyone who made our annual meeting in Chicago last November such a success. With the REA we celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Religious Education Association at our joint meeting. Together we found ourselves truly Embracing the Past and Envisioning the Future.

On the Saturday evening, APRRE and REA held their respective annual meetings. The decision to go ahead with the reorganization upon which we had voted by mail was affirmed at both meetings. Many APRRE members present were also REA members. At the annual meetings we discussed how we will move into the future with our new joint association in January 2005. In the social hour that followed one could sense the excitement and good energy about the decisions we have made and the directions in which we are moving.

For this time of transition, both the APRRE Executive Committee and the REA Board realized that it will be necessary to strike a joint nominations committee for the election of officers in anticipation of our November 2004 meeting in Denver. As President of both, APRRE and REA I was empowered, with other officers, to strike such a committee. This will enable us to elect new officers for the joint association at that time.

In the past, APRRE has chosen a Vice-President two years before an annual meeting to become President-Elect the year prior to the meeting. We did not do so this year. Rather, the joint nominations committee, consisting of representative officers of both APRRE and REA, will consult and then put a name or names before both the APRRE membership (and the REA Board) for the President-Elect as of November 2004 of the reorganized association. An e-mail ballot of the APRRE membership will be taken.

Additionally we will also strike a committee to write the bylaws for the new association. Thanks to the work of the REA-APRRE reorganization committee, much of the work for this task has been completed in the carefully crafted implementation plan. The bylaws, too, will be completed by a committee with representatives of both associations.