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On-Line Resources and Sites of
Please let us know of other links
that might fit here as well as any updates or corrections you might
Resource Links:
- Academic Indices
- - A page of basic statistics on
many of the worlds religions both large and small.
- Archives of the Religious Education Association - -
The archives of the Religious Education Association at Yale
- The
American Theological Library Association (ATLA) is a
professional association providing services in support
of theological and religious studies libraries and
librarians such as ATLAS: an online collection of major
religion and theology journals (including the Religious
Education Journal). The following journals have been
recently added to their collection. Baptist History and
Heritage, Ex Auditu, and Tradition.The full ATLAS title list
is available at
Poll - - The name says
it all, including long running polls on religious belief and
practice in the United States.
aging, and spirituality
- -An Online Annotated Bibliography
for graceful aging from The Center on Aging of Union-PSCE,
Henry C. Simmons, editor.
International - - A site featuring
an exhaustive annotated bibliography on Christian theological
thought about human suffering in the post modern era.
Virtual Religion Index at Rutgers University -
- This site is designed to advance research in matters
of religion. As a global forum that may be accessed instantaneously
anywhere, the internet promises to surpass the impact of the
printing press on the study of religion.
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- Digital Generation
- Next-Wave
- - a monthly web magazine to discuss
the nature of ministry, faith and leadership in the 21st century
with Christians from many nations and denominations.
- Wuzup
God? - - Digital Generation site
offering hip-hop insight into the character & nature of
God in a rappin' straight ahead way.
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- E-Texts
- Guide to Early Church Documents by Institute for Christian
Leadership -
- This ICL page contains pointers to Internet-accessible
files relating to the early church, including canonical documents,
creeds, the writings of the Apostolic Fathers and other historical
texts relevant to church history
- Quran
in English - - English
Translation of Al-Quran with topical indices produced by the
Muslim Student Association of University of Missouri Rolla.
- Scholarly Technology Group -
- An online Bible browser from the Scholarly Technology
Group at Brown University.
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- Education Sites
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- Gen X Links
- - The web version of Beyond Magazine,
the print publication for people who think about God and want
to know more
- Gloriazine.Com
- - A Gen X source for fashion, health,
life and religion
- RE:Generation
Quarterly - - A journal of
culture and faith for the next generation.
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- Inclusive Education/Inclusion
- The
Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education -
- An excellent starting point for the study of inclusion
in education. This British site is primarily secular but with
obvious religious imperatives.
- L'Arche
USA - - L'Arche USA
part of over 110 commuities in over 30 countries. At the heart
of these communities are people with a developmental disability
and those who share life with them.
- National
Organization on Disability - - A good
introductory site to disbaility and inclusion with specific
religious links.
- Special
Religious Development - - SPRED,a
Chicago Catholic organization, is a network of services designed
to assist persons with developmental disabilities and/or learning
problems to become integrated into parish assemblies of worship
through the process of education in their faith
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- Local Faith Communities
- Trinity
Church - - A parish of
the Episcopal Church of the U.S.A., Trinity has always been
an active, influential community of faith. Trinity continues
to direct its efforts toward the spiritual and physical needs
of its parishioners.
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- Philosophy/Theology Links
- Dictionary of Theology -
- Dictionary entries for theologians. The focus of this
student written "dictionary is on modern western Christian
theology, which means that the coverage is extremely uneven.
- International
Social Survey Programme - - The ISSP
is a continuing annual programme of cross-national collaboration
on surveys covering topics important for social science research.
- THEOoze
- - An online magazine dedicated to
energizing post-modern Christian churches and church leaders.
- The
Trinity Institute - - Trinity
Institute is a continuing education program for clergy and
laity. Founded to provide theological renewal for clergy in
the Episcopal Church, the Institute has sponsored an annual
National Conference for over 30 years.
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- Religious Dialogue
- The
Council of Societies for the Study of Religion -
- A federation of learned societies in religion interested
in developinggreater coordination of the field as a whole.
The CSSR aims to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas
about the academic study of religion.
- CrossCurrents - - CrossCurrents
is a global network for people of faith and intelligence who
are committed to connecting the wisdom of the heart and the
life of the mind.
- - The Ecumene domain provides cyber-homes
for organizations dedicated to bridging the ideological boundaries
that divide humanity and have been used for millennia to rationalize
suspicion, proselytism, hatred, aggression, and warfare.
- The
Global Dialogue Institute - -
A site encouraging deep dialogue about global collaboration,
spirituality, toleration, pluralism, and human rights among
the world's religious and intellectual leaders.
- The
Pluralism Project - - The Pluralism
Project was developed by Diana L. Eck at Harvard University
to study and document the growing religious diversity of the
United States, with a special view to its new immigrant religious
- Temple
of Understanding - -
The Temple of Understanding is a global interfaith organization
devoted to creating the recognition of the Oness of all religions
and faiths.
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- Religious Education Links
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- Religion/Religious Belief Links
- The
Bahá'í World - - The international
home of the Bahá'í Faith, the youngest of the world's independent
- - A non-sectarian organisation,
BuddhaNet includes on its site material which is representative
of many Buddhist traditions.
- IslamiCity:
The Global Muslim eCommunity - -
A good information site about Islam and Muslims in text, audio
and video. Also, a good reference for non-Muslims who are
searching about Islam, Muslims, and the Prophet Muhammed.
- Judaism
and Jewish Resources -
- An exhaustive list of links on Judaism.
- The
Religious Society of Friends - -
A simple page of extensive lists to Quaker thinking and related
- The
Sikhism Home Page - -
The home page of a progressive religion well ahead of its
time when it was founded over 500 years ago. It currently
has over 20 million adherents worldwide.
- Spiritual Education Lesson Plans -
- This site is dedicated to providing materials for the
spiritual education of tomorrow's peacemakers - our children.
The general framework focuses on, and is inspired by the fundamental
teachings of the Baha'i Faith - the Oneness of God, the Oneness
of Religion, and the Oneness of Mankind.
- United
States Conference of Catholic Bishops -
- The official site of the Roman Catholic Church in the
United States
- The
Vatican Website - - The official
web site of the Roman Catholic Church.
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- Social Justice Links
- The
Catholic Worker Movement -
- The Catholic Worker Movement, founded by Dorothy Day
and Peter Maurin in 1933 is committed to nonviolence, voluntary
poverty, prayer, and hospitality for the homeless, exiled,
hungry, and forsaken.
- Salt
of the Earth Online resource for Social Justice -
- A Catholic Christian site and guide to social concerns
and justice imperatives.
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The web is a constantly changing
place! Please drop us a note to
suggest an additional link or to report a link that is out of