Religious Education Association

An Association of Professors, Practitioners, and Researchers in Religious Education


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Religious Education in Faith Communities Forum

This forum focuses on religious education in local faith communities, and within and by denominational/religious bodies on regional, national, and international levels.

Religious Education in Faith Communities Forum Coordination Team

  1. Boyung Lee, Pacific School of Religion and Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA - Journal Board (2009)

  2. Jane Regan - Chair (2010 )

  3. Rodger Nishioka -Call For Papers (2011)

Religious Education in Public Life and the Global Community Forum

This forum focuses on the role of religious education beyond religious and academic contexts in the interest of the common good as well as on inter-religious education and conversation.

Religious Education in Public Life and the Global Community Forum Coordination Team

  1. Bert Roebben, Dortmund University,  (2009 ) - Journal Board

  2. Evelyn Parker, Perkins School of Theology-SMU, Dallas, TX (2010)-Call for Papers

  3. Bud Horell, Fordham University (2011) -Chair

Religious Education in Academic Disciplines and Institutions Forum

This forum focuses on the engagement in and advancement of religious education in academic disciplines and in schools, colleges, universities, and graduate schools of religion and theology.

Religious Education in Academic Disciplines & Institutions Forum Coordination Team

  1. Karen Marie Yust, Union Theological Seminary/PSCE, Richmond, VA, (2009)-Journal Board 07

  2. Tito Cruz, Franciscan School of Theology-GTU,  Berkeley, CA (2010)-Call for Papers

  3. Dori Baker (2011) - Forum Team Chair


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      Page last updated: 3/6/09       All material copyrighted© REA2007-09