November 14, 1993
Fort Worth, Texas

Meeting was called to order by Susanne Johnson. Estimated attendance in the thirties. The agenda for the meeting was presented with a recommendation to move the topic of memorials and retirements to the top of the agenda. Membership adopted the agenda as modified.

1. Memorials and Retirements

The retirements of Helen Archibald and William Kennedy were recognized and honored. Iris Cully shared a review of Archibald's life and career and Elizabeth Nolan did the same for William Kennedy. Johnson thanked God for these persons in our midst. She also reported that Calista Olds, Defiance College faculty 1977-86, was killed in a pedestrian accident.

2. Report from Nominating Committee and Elections

Report of the Nominating Committee was distributed (copy attached). Charles Foster was nominated for Vice President. Russel Butkus, Joseph Crockett and Wilda Morris were nominated for Members-at-Large on the Executive Committee. Opportunity for nominations from the floor was given and none were offered. Don Emler moved to accept nominations, Hanan Alexander seconded. Voice vote of membership unanimous.

3. Student Caucus Report

Chris Henson reported that the student caucus met on Friday before meetings started and that seven students were present. Appreciation for the support, nourishment and development of student members was expressed. The caucus selected Ted Brelsford as student representative on the Executive Committee.

4. Executive Secretary Report

Padraic O'Hare reported that in January everyone will be given an opportunity to give input through a questionnaire on how APRRE can be revitalized. Attendance at annual meetings has declined over the last three meetings from 240 in 1991 to 141 in 1992 to 105 in 1993. O'Hare cautioned against panic but did stress the need to reinvent APRRE. A plan is in place to get broad input from membership on revitalization before next meeting and to approach institutions for financial gifts. O'Hare recognized the efforts of Will Kennedy in helping APRRE through some chaotic transitions.

O'Hare reported that unless there was strong disagreement, both the 1994 and 1995 meetings of APRRE will be in Chicago. During this meeting the membership will be given the opportunity to discuss the theme for the 1995 meeting.

O'Hare worked through the financial report (copies attached), commenting that financially APRRE is ok but not in great shape. Part of the financial problem has been lack of attention to hotel expenses. Expenses this year totaled $1,714 in contrast to $5,100 last year.

O'Hare reported that a ballot would be presented to the membership regarding the international character of APRRE and changes in the bylaws to include student members on the Executive Committee and the Travel Fund.

5. Small Group Discussion of 1995 Meeting Theme

Small groups were formed and asked to discuss ideas for the 1995 meeting theme and ideas for revitalizing APRRE. Small groups reported to the larger group. These reports are summarized in an attachment to these minutes.

6. Closing Comments

Mary Boys announced that the 1994 meeting will focus on ecumenical issues and will be highly participatory.

Johnson thanked all the people who were involved in the leadership and planning of this meeting, especially Stephen Schmidt and Padraic O'Hare. Boys thanked Johnson to assuming leadership of the meeting since Stephen Schmidt was ill and could not attend.

7. Meeting ended with song (see attachment)


Minutes submitted by Randy G. Litchfield


Summary of Small Group Reports

Do something explicitly international.

Focus on a non-western religion.
Respond to issues raised in the book Culture of Disbelief: function of religious education in such a context and implications for the profession. Also issues related to fundamentalism.

Include a common meal in the meeting.

Focus on pedagogy/education as central part of meeting and how are connections made with theology.

Next year have an interfaith study of a text: study a common text and see how different people read/hear it.

Help faculty and religious educators get into the electronic information highways such as Internet.

Possibly get support from AT&T or IBM for onsite workshops.

Make more explicit connections with education.

Is language of teaching/learning dead?

What is the purpose of religious education?

Practical theology versus education.

Relationship of ritual, narrative and education.

Staffing leadership needs in congregations.

Teaching styles and make connections to theological education: Interacting with faculty colleagues in other fields who cannot teach.

Religious education's contribution to theological education.

Religious education and culture: coming from the edges in churches that are old line.

Null curriculum of APRRE: no themes

Name of organization: we identify ourselves by what we do while other organizations identify themselves by subject matter.

Deal with institutional issues and structures that tire us out as professional, status of religious education in colleges and seminaries: how do we get colleagues to take us seriously or get political support for religious education (big issue for younger faculty).

It is difficult for APRRE to keep up with fresh ideas because membership is not diverse enough to feel globalization, African American liberation theology, or Spanish speaking contexts.

May need some ritual to mark generational change in the organization and be aware of the intergenerational education taking place within APRRE.

Address religious education in urban settings.

Themes from one group: mentoring, being political as religious educators, collegiality, religious education with the academy, curriculum formation, globalization within religious education, public aspect of religious education.