November 3, 2002


            Opening–centering prayer

Anne Wimberly presiding


            Attendance 72 members


            Adoption of the agenda

            It was moved by Barbara Anne Keely and seconded by Alan Smith that the agenda as printed be accepted. Carried.


            Minutes of the November 4, 2001 business meeting      

            It was moved by Bill Lord and seconded by Lorna Bowman that the minutes of the Annual meeting held on November 4, 2001 be approved as circulated via the website. Carried.


            APRRE/REA Proposal                                                                   

            The President invited the other members of the Proposal Team to come forward and join her for the presentation and discussion. Members in attendance were Lorna Bowman, Jack Seymour, Barbara Anne Keely , Ted Brelsford and Randy Litchfield.



            Lorna Bowman gave a brief report from the meeting of REA on the proposal. The REA is asking that another draft proposal be sent out in March seeking feedback and comments by e-mail and that these be incorporated before a revised copy is issued. The REA Board is suggesting this one additional step beyond the original proposal before seeking the vote.


            Barbara Anne Keely addressed the financial issues facing REA. The REA Journal is secure now. In September 2001, when the 2nd administrator quit, the REA board realized that the funds would not allow for a staff person. Hence Ronald Cram as President assumed responsibility for the organizational details and Barbara Anne Keely, as Treasurer, took responsibility for the fiscal work. The REA still has more members than APRRE but it cannot fund staff. It really is a matter of good stewardship that we are seeking in the merger.


            Jack Seymour–We forget at times, that memories of the past are not known by everyone in the organization. In the 80's we were deeply concerned about the future of the REA Journal. We asked what would REA look like without a journal. That is no longer the case with the journal. APRRE is a scholarly guild with a focus on papers and research. We must not sacrifice the future careers of junior scholars by not providing a guild meeting. In the new organization we need to claim our heritage of both advocacy and rich scholarship.



            Susanne Johnson--My concern is more philosophical in nature. I kept asking if there is a sub-agenda underneath the proposal. With this presentation I have gained a fuller picture and the reasoning behind the proposal.


            Norma Everist--The shape of questions in the field has shifted. Pastors, judicatory staff members, seminary students have a passion for interreligious dialogue and that needs to be linked to scholarship. This proposal calls for new forms of meeting and new forms of leadership.


            Bruce Roberts-- We are combining two powerful interests and we can’t anticipate everything in advance. We need to build in an evaluative process with clear criteria and methods for feedback. Accordingly we can learn as we go through the transition and make changes to the proposal.


            Susanne Johnson--We should accept a provisional design for the new organization, live with this for 3-6 years and have a process for evaluation. There will be unintended consequences. We should not be embarrassed because all the details didn’t work perfectly at first.


            Mary Elizabeth Moore-- I am in support of the proposal. I would like to say a word about REA. In its history it has restructured 4 times in 20 years. In the past some of its Executive Secretaries have given their own money to keep REA going. The current President and Treasurer have carried up to 20 hours per week. However, REA is not hopeless. Over the years it has been carried by passion and purpose and for that reason it makes us want to find a new way to keep it alive. The proposal may need to be provisional, but the commitment is not provisional. I like the plan calling for revisions in March and the vote in May. We need to put provisional over the design.


            Linda Vogel–I too would like to see one more draft and a vote in May. We must make a commitment and build in ways to change. Don’t make it too provisional. REA–has always had a definite interfaith emphasis which we must not lose. We will need to provide processes in the by-laws for us to change the structure.


            Jim Lee–I am on the REA Board and a Member of both REA and APRRE. I believe that REA and APRRE do two different things. REA has been about Religion and Education, especially about public policy. In the past the REA office has been contacted and asked for the stand of the organization on a public issue.  APRRE is concerned with religious education and scholarship. Each needs the other.


            Margaret Krych--How do we protect the interests of APRRE?


            Mary Elizabeth Moore–The new proposal allows space for different kinds of conversations. Some will want to be involved in several conversations and some in only one.


            Action: It was agreed that APRRE endorse the continuation of conversations with REA towards a merger and that the two organizations follow the plan outlined by representatives of the REA.  This plan includes a revised draft taking into account responses made before and during this meeting and sent to the membership in March for feedback. A final draft will be mailed along with a ballot for the vote in May 2003.  Carried with applause.


            Special thanks was extended to all those who worked so hard on the proposal committee. Applause.


            Executive Secretary’s Report--Randy Litchfield


Thanks for your feedback on the annual meeting survey.


I am able to contact 403 individuals by e-mail (429 on list) only 26 need hard copy. The database is in excellent shape; however, the list server is not the best.


            Mary Hess will convene a group to envision a digital archive and space for exchange of ideas. The working group will report to the 2003 executive.


            Position Announcement Policy

            Currently APRRE’s policy of charging $50 for the announcements of a position is working well. The Board decided that the standard fee will be raised to $100.00 effective July 1, 2003


            Policy on the Proceedings

            The Board has agreed that in 2003 APRRE will offer the proceedings on a CD. Anyone can make a request for a printed copy at the time of registration. We agreed to evaluate this after one year. All papers from previous years will be archived. Question from Lee-- Do you see the extinction of the hard copy? Randy--No, but it will be by request at the time of registration only for 2003.


            Site for 2004

            Randy indicated that the Board had suggested that he check into possibilities in the Denver or Boulder area.   Action: It was moved by Gloria Durka and seconded by Dayle Scott that we hold the 2004 meeting in either  Denver or Boulder. Carried. It was agreed to explore a proposal for a  5 year rotation of annual meeting sites. The following cities will be in the cycle: Chicago, Toronto, Denver, Boston and Atlanta. 


            Underemployed Graduates

            Some individuals who have finished their doctorate but have not obtained a teaching position have inquired about some relief in fees. By consensus at the Board meeting it was agreed that APRRE have one membership category for students and post-doctoral candidates who have not obtained a teaching position.


            Financial report for 2001-02 fiscal year

Randy circulated a copy of the accounts for review. Action: It was moved by Sue Davis and seconded by Paul Bellingham that the Financial statement for 2001-02 be approved. Carried. Randy announced that APRRE had received a report from Wolf, Rogers, Dickey and Company, Certified Public Accountants, indicating that a review of the accounts for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2000 and 2001 was completed and everything was found in good order.



            The Board has proposed one adjustment. That a line item of $1500. be added to cover any costs relating to the reorganization. This would include travel costs for our representatives to attend a meeting and extra mailings. Randy noted that the budget was based on 129 attendees at the annual meeting and 307 paid-up members. In fact we have had 174 in attendance at this meeting and the membership last year was up to 311. So we will come very close to a balanced budget, even with the increase. Action: It was moved by Alan Smith and seconded by Karen Tye that we accept the amended budget. Carried.


            2003 annual meeting

            Lorna Bowman reported that we will be holding a joint meeting with REA at the time of its 100th anniversary. The theme will be “Embracing the Past, Envisioning the Future: Religious Education in an Age of Transition.” The site will be the Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza, Nov. 7-9. I hope that we use our imaginations with the theme as we seek to capture the history of the field. We also need to increase our literacy about other religious traditions as well.  The report was welcomed and affirmed with applause.



            Jim Lee, Barney Kathan, Wenh-In Ng were invited by the President to come forward for a brief ceremony of presidential transition. Wenh-In lit a candle and offered a blessing in Cantonese. The President invited us to be mindful of world, saints past, present and future. She offered a brief prayer remembering the past and asking that the new organization might thrive.


            Nomination, election and presentation of new officers    

            Wenh-In Ng, on behalf of the nominating committee, presented the following slate for elections:


            Bob O’Gorman, Loyola University, Institute of Pastoral Studies as vice-president.


Executive Committee Class of 2005

            Diane Hymans, Trinity Lutheran Seminary

            Jose´ Irizarry, Lutheran School of Theology, Chicago

            Kieran Scott, Fordham University


            Call for papers Committee (same as in 2002)

            Sharon Warner, Steve Kang and Maureen O’Brien



            It was moved by Wenh-In Ng and seconded by Karen Tye that the report of the nominating committee be affirmed. Carried with applause.


            Recognitions and gratitude

            The President thanked all those who took part in the drama, reception, sent videos, the presenters of papers, moderators, retiring officers and members of the Board. She especially expressed the deep appreciation of all the members to Randy and Terri Litchfield. Applause.


            Thanks was expressed to Anne Wimberly for her presence in our midst, for all her work and for all the resources that she gathered to make this meeting the success that it was.  Standing ovation and applause.





            At the opening session of APRRE, President Anne Wimberly read the names of the following leaders in religious education who had died in the past year.

                        Warren S. Benson                Jonathan Jackson

                        John W. Cook                        James E. Loder

                        Findley B. Edge                    Randolph C. Miller

                        Paul Irwin                                Richard T. Murray

She invited individuals to come forward and offer memories and tributes. Alan Smith reflected on the life and work of John Cook. Ronnie Prevost paid tribute to Findley Edge.  Barney Kathan and Chuck Melchert spoke about the contributions of Randolph Miller.



Linda J. Vogel, Garrett Evangelical Seminary. Patty Meyers,  Chair, Dept. of Christian Education and Youth Ministry at Pfeiffer University offered the following tribute. It is an honor to tell you about my friend and mentor, Linda Vogel. I have known her since 1974. Here is a list of organizations of which she is a member: APRRE – Association of Professors and Researchers in Religious Education; UMASCE – United Methodist Association of Christian Education;     CEF – Christian Educators Fellowship, The United Methodist Church; REA – Religious Education Association; North American Academy of Liturgy. She has made a very significant contribution to our field through her many publications including several book and articles in journals. She and her husband, Dr. Dwight Vogel, contributed significantly to my decision to join The United Methodist Church. They immediately got me involved in the life of Calvary United Methodist Church in Le Mars, Iowa as a Sunday School teacher and choir member. Four years later, I left Le Mars to attend Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary to start my journey toward ministry in Christian higher education. We have been friends ever since. We extend to her the best wishes of all her colleagues in APRRE as she begins her retirement in the spring of 2003.


Respectfully submitted

Bill Lord

            Recording Secretary