Association of Professor and Researchers in Religious Education

General Business Meeting Minutes

November 5, 2000

Atlanta, Georgia


Approximate attendance: 71




The minutes from last year's meeting were posted on the APRRE website prior to the meeting. No questions or comments were raised. The minutes were adopted.




The following data was distributed as part of the meeting agenda.



1992-93:        276 members

1993-94:        264

1994-95:        287

1995-96:        303

1996-97:        342

1997-98:        305

1998-99:        302

1999-00:        299

2000-01:        215 as of 10/31/00

1991 Chicago           144

1992 Indianapolis     134

1993 Ft. Worth          103

1994 Chicago           141

1995 Chicago           156

1996 New Orleans    176

1997 Oakland            126

1998 Orlando            173

1999 Toronto             132

2000 Atlanta              133 pre-registered



Memorials and retirements

The life of Ken Stokes was remembered through Bill Lord's reading of selections from a memorial prepared by Barney Kathan. The membership requested that APRRE correspond with Ken Stokes' widow stating that his passing was recognized and honored at the meeting.


Bill Lord's retirement was honored by Wenh-In Ng, Lorna Bowman and Allen Moore. Ng described Lord as an educating, enabling, wonderful and congenial colleague/mentor/pastor. She shared vignettes of times when Lord invited her into various forums on Christian Education, faith developments studies, learning styles, etc. Bowman described him as generous with his time to be in classes. He has great professional clarity, generosity of spirit and pastoral ability. Despite the distance he was present at the funeral of her father. Allen Moore described Lord as one of the more faithful members of APRRE. He was the director of the continuing education program at Toronto and a member of sacem. Moore always looks forward to seeing him so that he can learn from Lord's wisdom. Lord's wife is retiring also. They make a terrific teaching team. Lord is the adult guarantor of Rebecca, daughter of the Moores.


An invitation was made for other retirements or memorials. Iris Cully is having hip replacement surgery and needs everyone's prayers. A request was made that a note be sent to the Warren family regarding their loss and indicating they were remembered at the meeting.



Masters degree student participation

The following motion was presented to the membership from the Executive Committee:

That APRRE allow and encourage interested Masters level students attend APRRE Annual Meetings, but that younger scholars and doctoral students be given priority in travel grants. Masters level students who are planning to go on to doctoral work may apply for travel grants, with a supporting letter or recommendation from an APRRE faculty member that they are indeed on the path to the profession. [text was printed in the meeting agenda]


Groome asked for status of the Travel Fund. The response was that it stands at approximately $11,500. Groome encouraged the membership to make the fund part of their philanthropy. Groome spoke against the motion in light because it is in tension with putting a priority on doctorial students and the fact of limited resources. Lucinda Huffaker suggested that funds could be available to masters level but limit grants to minority students. The following amendment was made: travel grants to masters made be made on occasion but such grants are limited to ethnic minority students. Seconded by Groome. Vote was taken on the motion as amended and it passed.




Jack Seymour reported that liaison committee is being established to discuss the relationship between APRRE and REA. There are various transitions occurring in both organizations that make this an opportune time to discuss issues of coordination, programming, and administration.



Next year's meeting

Wenh-In Ng reported on plans for next year's meeting. It will be held in Minneapolis at the Marriott City Center on November 2-4, 2001. The theme will deal with education in an age of globalization. Globalization refers to the whole phenomena of world markets, world migration, instant communication, cultural homogenization, and being forced to face other ethnicities. How do we as teachers of theology and religion and as practitioners face this? What is the impact on curriculum and practice? Pan-African scholars are working together to have a segment of the theme.


Chuck Melchert described some of the planned arrangements. The hotel is downtown and has enclosed skywalks through several city blocks. There will only be one banquet in next year's program and its cost will be rolled into the registration fee so as to distribute the burden and not have two levels of participation. Melchert explained that there is a connection between having planned meals in the hotel and receiving good room rates in negotiating with hotels. The REA may choose to have a separate banquet but would be an elective meal for the general APRRE membership.




Seymour explained that Melchert's time of service as Executive Secretary is coming to an end. He will finally have the extra time to pursue other interests. The membership gave Melchert an enthusiastic standing ovation for a good period of time. He was praised for his good stewardship and wise leadership of APRRE. APRRE will forever be in his debt.


Russ Moy reported on behalf of the search committee. He explained the process taken to develop a job description, conduct a search and plan for an overlap period with Melchert.  Randy Litchfield was presented for election as Executive Secretary. The nomination was accepted and passed.


Litchfield's election created a vacancy in the position of Recording Secretary. Seymour announced that Bill Lord has been appointed to the position for a two-year term.



Budget and financial reports

Copies of the financial report were distributed to the membership. A statement of the level of reserve funds was not included. The reserves function as a cushion in the event of a bad attendance year. Net worth is $18,900, which includes $10,500 in the travel fund. Net worth now—_________. Travel grants are paid from current year contributions and interest on the fund's principle. The increase in dues to $65 passed last year does not go into effect until next year. That makes the actual income under budget but expenses were under budget as well. A motion was made to accept the report. It was seconded and passed without dissent.


The proposed budget reflects the $65 rate for membership and is based on the current registration numbers for this meeting. Melchert highlighted that $400 was being budgeted for a financial audit and $2,000 for Executive Secretary transition expenses. He explained that the $2,000 included sending Litchfield to meeting planning seminars and joint site visits to select the 2002 meeting location within the next 6-8 months. The official transition between Melchert and Litchfield will take place on July 1, 2001 with the new budget year. The budget also reflects per diem funds to compensate for time committed prior to July 1. Chuck Foster moved to accept budget. It was seconded and passed.



election of New officers

It was explained that one-third of the Executive Committee is replaced each year and that the Vice-President proceeds to become President-Elect and then President. Thanks were given to Bill Lord, Evelyn Parker and Catherine Siejk for their work on the Committee over the last three years. Sara Lee could not be present so Melchert gave the report of the nominating committee. Nominees for the Executive Committee included Jerome Berryman, Mary Hess, and Lucinda Huffaker. The nominee for Vice President was Anne Streaty Wimberly. The vote was unanimous in favor of the slate of nominees.



Seymour expressed thanks to Tom Groome for his continued service as Past President, applause. He also thanked Sara Lee for her contributions to make aprre such a strong organization. It was unfortunate that she could not be present. Seymour asked that a letter of thanks be sent to Lee. She was given applause in absentia. Thanks were also given to Seymour for a great program this year, applause.


The meeting was adjourned.



Respectfully submitted,

Randy Litchfield

Recording Secretary