I. The Nature of APRRE and its Relation to other Professional Organizations

In 1969The Professors and Research Section of the Division of Christian Education of the national Council of Churches dissolved as such, and decided to meet the following year as an independent group.  This it did, and in 1970, organized itself as the Association of Professors and Researchers in Religious Education.

The purpose of the Association of Professors and Researchers in Religious Education is to provide an ongoing forum which will enhance the quality of teaching and research in religious education:

a.      through sharing, critiquing and encouraging publication of creative scholarly contributions to theological education, to religious studies, and to the integration of theory and practice;

b.      through ecumenical and interreligious dialogue which stimulates participants to explore fresh visions of religious education for the human family in our complex world community;

c.      through the creation of networks of communication, cooperation and support in order to strengthen the participants as professionals, and religious education as a distinctive and relevant discipline;

d.      through interpretation of the integrity of the field of religious education to the wider society and especially to graduate students and others preparing themselves to become professors and researchers in religious education in the future.”

 The purpose of APRRE is enhanced by relationships with other professional organizations.  These organizations are:

A. The Council of Societies for the Study of Religion.  The Council publishes the programs and activities of the various professional associations involved in the study of religion and makes possible cooperation between the associations.

B. The National Council on Religion and Public Education (now defunct).

C. The Religious Education Association.  APRRE cooperates with REA in respect to publication of the journal, Religious Education, and makes financial contributions to the journal.  APRRE exchanges mailing lists with REA and cooperates in planning meeting times and locations so that programs can be interrelated and coordinated.  A member is designated annually to represent APRRE on the editorial Board of Religious Education.

II. Membership

A. Member:  Individuals engaged professionally in the teaching of religious education in institutions of higher education, and individuals directly engaged in or supervising research projects in religious education.

B. Associate Member:  Individuals teaching or engaged in research in other subject areas related to religious education, and individuals who have been teaching or have been engaged in research in religious education, but are not presently so engaged.

C. Emeritus Member:  Individuals retired from engagement as professors or researchers in religious education.

D. Student Member:  Advanced graduate students planning to teach religious education in institutions of higher education or to engage professionally in research in religious education.

E. Benefits of Membership: Paid-up members are entitled to: present papers or provide leadership for APRRE Annual Meetings; hold office in the Association; receive the Quarterly Newsletter, including the issues containing the Call for Papers  and Scholarly Updates (March); the APRRE Member Directory (usually published biannually); member rates for Annual Meetings, and receive the CSSR Bulletin (subscription included in APRRE membership).  Members are also eligible to apply for travel grants.

III. Finances

A. Dues.  Annual dues are assessed on a fiscal year basis. The amount is determined yearly at the Annual Meeting.

B. Reports/Audits.  A financial report is prepared for APRRE by the treasurer and membership secretary for each annual business meeting.  The financial records will be audited each year.  The fiscal year will be July 1 to June 30.

C. Delegates. APRRE delegates to other organizations do not serve at APRRE expense.

D. Travel Fund. 

1.      Amount of grants.  Within the limits of available funds, grants will be awarded tfor members traveling to the Annual Meeting.  Guidelines for awarding of funds are reviewed each year by the Executive Committee and then are published in the Newsletter, together with the information for submitting requests.

2.      Eligibility for grants.  Paid-up Members and Student Members who meet the established guidelines will be eligible to request assistance.

3.      Awarding of grants.  Preference will be accorded persons (1) whose membership is of the longest duration, and (2) who have not previously received travel assistance, and (3) who have participated actively in the affairs of the Association.  Travel funds will be distributed in a three to one student/non-student ratio (by 1995 action of the membership).

4.      Grants will be made to individual members rather than to organizations with which they are affiliated.

E. Preparation and approval of the budget.  The budget is approved annual by the Executive Committee for recommendation to the Association at its annual business meeting.

IV. Elections

A.  The Nominating Committee is appointed by and includes the President.  It shall prepare a slate for all elected positions to be presented to the APRRE membership during the opening session of its Annual Meeting.

1.      The Nominating Committee shall consist of the President, the Executive Secretary (ex officio), the Executive Committee members who are beginning their last year on the Executive Committee, and up to two persons from the Membership appointed by the President to strengthen the diversity of the Nominating Committee.

2.      Each member shall serve a one year term.

3.      The Nominating Committee shall be chaired by the President.

B. The election of officers and members-at-large of the Executive Committee is held at the annual business meeting.

C. New officers and member-at-large of the Executive Committee begin their responsibilities immediately upon election.

D. In order to elect or to transact other business of the Association, a simple majority of all members present is needed, regardless of the category of their membership.

V. The Executive Committee

A. The Executive Committee is composed of the following officers:  The President, the President-Elect, the immediate past-President, the Vice President, the nine Members-at-large, and the Executive Secretary (ex officio).  It meets during the Annual Meeting, and at other times when necessary and financially possible.  Otherwise, business is carried on by mail, telephone and e-mail.  In addition to professional leadership, persons are nominated for service on the Executive Committee on the basis of the institutional, denominational, sexual, racial and age spectra represented within the membership.  The Executive Committee is comprised of Members (as distinguished from Associate, Student or Emeritus Members).  The Executive Committee is responsible for long-range planning as well as year-to-year projections.

B.  Members-at-large provide general oversight and counsel regarding the affairs of the Association and assume specific responsibilities as may be delegated by the President or Executive Committee.  Nine members-at-large are elected for terms of three years each.  Their election is staggered so that one-third will b elected each year.

C. Standing Committees as needed shall be recommended by the Executive Committee, and approved at the Annual Meeting.

VI  Officers

A. The President presents a presidential address and presides at the Annual Meeting which follows his or her election.  The President is elected annually and serves as chairperson of the Executive Committee.  He or she serves as a point of contact for the Association's relations with other groups, and in general, functions with the Executive Committee to carry on the Association's business between Annual Meetings.  The President appoints and chairs the nominating committee, and appoints task forces, ad hoc committees or representatives as needed.

B. The President-Elect plans the program for the Annual Meeting, and may secure the help of others in such planning.  The President-Elect is elected annually, and serves as a member of the Executive Committee.

C. The Immediate Past President will serve on the Executive Committee for a period of one year.

D. The Vice President serves in the Executive Committee, is in charge of planning the Program two years ahead, and will become the President-Elect in order to carry out the plan.

E. The Executive Secretary serves the following functions:

1.      Coordinates the total work of APRRE in cooperation with the officers.  The Executive Secretary orients the new officers to their responsibilities, assists them in making plans for the Annual Meeting, making arrangements for meeting places, working with the editor of the Newsletter to inform members concerning the program, registration, travel options, the activities of task groups and research groups.  The Executive Secretary takes initiative in helping the officers to make short-term and long-term plans.

2.      Collects information for the Newsletter and cooperates with the editor in getting the Newsletter published and distributed.

3.      Serves as liaison with other professional societies in executing policy and program, especially with the Religious Education Association and other societies with whom the Association may wish to cooperate in planning its Annual Meetings.

4.      Keeps permanent record of actions and programs of the Association.

5.      She or he is elected to a three-year term, is eligible for re-election, and serves as an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee.  The position does not involve a salary, although the Executive Secretary shall receive such compensation as may be approved at the Annual Meeting.

6.      Provides the mailing address for the Association.

7.      Handles the financial affairs of the Association.  Prepares financial statements, budgets and memoranda to facilitate the work of the Executive Committee and of the Association at the Annual Meeting and on other appropriate occasions.

8.      Maintains current mailing list of members and prospective members, and solicits renewal of membership several times annually in an ongoing manner.

VII.  Annual Meeting

A. Site and Date.  APRRE ordinarily meets with the Religious Education Association.  During other years the Association meets with one or more other professional groups as determined by each Annual Meeting.

B. Program. 

1.      Invitations are extended to all members of APRRE requesting abstracts of papers or other presentations for possible inclusion in the program.  The program committee is free to use the contributions in whatever way it wishes in connection with program plans.

2.      Effort is made to structure the planning of the program to provide maximum participation on the part of all members present.

3.      The determination of deadlines for abstracts, program schedules, registration fees, etc., is made by the President -Elect in consultation with the Executive Secretary and representatives of other professional societies with which APRRE meets.