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2002 Meeting Papers

Leading with Hope:
The Vocation of the Religious Educator

November 1-3, 2002

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

These papers and presentations are being given at the 2002 meeting of the Religious Education Association. The Call for Papers Committee has selected Research Interest Group and Colloquium papers based on abstracts submitted by the authors. The papers, as they exist on this site, have not been edited or fully juried by REA. The author of a paper is fully responsible for its content. All links are to "pdf" formatted files, requiring Adobe Acrobat Reader for viewing.


Beckingham, Paul -- The spirituality of recovery and the recovery of spirituality

Bellous, Joyce -- Children, faith and social intimacy

Blier, Helen -- Remembering not to forget:: Anamnesis and the persistence of vocation

Brockman, Jeff -- Practical Christian education: From orthodoxy to orthopraxy

Buchanan, Rebecca -- Unveiling Angela Merici: A pre-modern narrative for a post-modern world

Davis, Dent -- Enlarging the classroom: A case study of the changing role of the religious educator

Elias, John -- Ironies in the vocation of a religious educator

Fetterman, David -- ’One of us’—Connectedness in a parenting grandparent support group

Foster, Charles -- Where shall we sit?: The vocational dilemma of the religious educator

Geerinck, Ilse -- Hope for what's new: Creation and Arendts concept of natality

Gilmour, Peter -- The role of vocation in conflictual religious education settings

Guare, Rita -- Leading with hope:  Excursions through the arts

Haythorn, Trace -- Different bodies, one body: Inclusive religious education and the role of the religious educator

Hess, Carol Lakey -- When Narcissus teaches

Horell, Harold -- A reason for our hope: Three paradigms for religious education in a postmodern age

Hwang, Sookyung -- Living the truth: Constructing a road to peace and harmony

Irizarry, José -- The Christian religious educator as a cultural  ‘spec-actor:’  Researching self in intercultural pedagogy

Isaac, Paulette & Michael Rowland -- The religious educator:  A motivation (or barrier) to participation in church-based education

James, Douglas -- Theological faculty as religious educators: How personal beliefs about teaching, learning and spiritual growth inform teaching practices

King, Mark -- The possibilities of making Zen Buddhism a case study for an interreligious teaching

Klappenecker, Gabriele -- The significance of Fowler’s stage-model of faith development for understanding the person and occupation of the religion teacher

Latini, Theresa -- Spiritual formation for today: Old wine and new wineskins

Lee, Boyung -- Hope in the midst of two worlds:
Reflections on social sciences, Confucianism and religious education

Lytle, Julie -- Obsolete or essential: Religious educators in an interactive age

McDougall, Roseanne -- Sankofa: The vocation of a religious educator in West Africa

Meyers, Patty Susan Willhauck -- Thelma and Louise do religious education: Two educators in dialogue

Miedema, Siebren & Gert Biesta -- Jacques Derrida's religion with/out religion and the im/possibility of religious education

Moran, Gabriel -- Ultimate intolerance

Price, Elizabeth Box -- Christian nurture and the new cosmology

Reisinger, Joan -- Feelings of isolation in women ministers and women in ministry: Conversations giving voice to sacred space

Roebben, Bert -- The decision to hope: The praxis of hopeful teaching in the education of religious leaders

Shenk, Sara Wenger -- Anabaptist ways of knowing

Seymour, Jack -- Holding onto hope: Commitments of liberal religious education

Smith, Lawanda -- Leading with hope: Religious education through teaching story

Smith, W. Alan -- Dancers exult at the awakening

Turpin, Katherine -- Must they go sadly away?: Consumer culture and adolescent vocational imagination

Veverka, Fayette -- Practicing faith: Negotiating identity and difference in a religiously pluralistic world

Warren, Michael -- Spirituality and wealth: The burdens of silence

Webb-Mitchell , Brett -- Martha Stewart, Emeril, and the naked chef: Cooking, dining, and religious education

Yust, Karen-Marie -- Theology, educational theory, and children’s faith formation