The Religious Education Association
An Association of Professors, Practitioners, and Researchers in Religious Education
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APRRE exists to provide an ongoing forum which will enhance the quality of teaching and research in religious education: 

  • Through sharing, critiquing and encouraging publication of creative scholarly contributions to theological education, to religious studies, and to the integration of theory and practice; 
  • Through ecumenical and interreligious dialogue which stimulates participants to explore fresh visions of religious education for the human family in our complex world community;
  • Through the creation of networks of communication, cooperation and support in order to strengthen the participants as professionals, and religious education as a distinctive and relevant discipline;
  • Through interpretation of the integrity of the field of religious education to the wider society and especially to graduate students and others preparing themselves to become professors and researchers in religious education in the future.

APRRE was organized in 1970 out of a group originally sponsored by the National Council of Churches. Our membership consists of Protestants, Catholics and Jews, representing a wide spectrum of theological, denominational and educational perspectives. Currently 31 different denominations and 11 different countries are represented among members. This religious, ethnic, racial, ecumenical and international diversity is represented in our annual programs as well as in our organizational leadership. 

APRRE meets in tandem with other groups to further enhance the value of this diversity for our mutual conversations, and to support our common interests. APRRE is actively pursuing collaboration with the North American Professors of Christian Education (which grew out of the National Association of Evangelicals), and with the Network of Jewish Educators. 

Membership in the Association is open to those currently teaching at the college or graduate school level in religious education and related fields; to those conducting or supervising research in religious education; to doctoral students preparing to teach and to conduct research in religious education; to associates in related fields and professions and to retired members. 

APRRE engages in the following activities to fulfill its purposes: 

  • Annual Meetings.
    APRRE holds an Annual Meeting during which members share their current research and teaching practices with each other, offering each other critical dialogue concerning issues of common interest and importance. This sharing takes place in plenary sessions, forums, task forces, research interest groups, colloquia, denominational and student caucuses, common meals and informal fellowship. Worship opportunities reflect the various religious traditions within the membership. The "Call for Papers" goes out in March to all current members. 
  • Newsletters.
    APRRE publishes a quarterly newsletter which provides updates on scholarly and other activities of members, and notices of news, issues and meetings of interest to members. Newsletters are mailed to all current members. 
  • Publication.
    APRRE provides annual financial support for the journal: Religious Education. One issue annually is devoted to publishing selected articles by members from among the papers presented at the Annual Meeting. In addition, articles submitted to Religious Education by members for publication undergo a peer review process conducted by APRRE members. 
  • CSSR.
    APRRE participates in and supports the Council of Societies for the Study of Religion, which publishes a quarterly newsletter distributed to APRRE members in good standing. This newsletter reports the annual meeting locations, programs and news items for twelve associations for the scholarly study of religion. 
  • Joint Meetings.
    APRRE meets every other year in tandem with the Religious Education Association, and with other organizations as appropriate. For example, in 1996 we meet conjointly with the Religious Education Association, and at the same time and place as the American Academy of Religion and the Society for Biblical Literature in New Orleans. 
  • Member communication.
    APRRE sponsors communication among members by means of a published directory of active members, and (with the assistance of Boston College's Institute for Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry) an internet list server for e-mail communication. 
  • Financial support.
    APRRE provides a limited number of travel grants (for attending the Annual Meeting) and other forms of support for newer participants, due to the generosity of former executive secretaries. 
  • Student support.
    Student members are encouraged to participate in APRRE by reduced membership cost and reduced registration fees for the Annual Meeting. APRRE sponsors a program during our annual meeting that provides an opportunity for doctoral students to share their progress on dissertation proposals and research, and seek constructive criticism. 
  • Employment Opportunities.
    APRRE is increasing its efforts to stimulate and extend the formal and informal networking about employment opportunities and the job search process. The student caucus at the Annual Meeting also regularly addresses such concerns.